In the battle against dry eye, Carolina Eye Doctors just secured the ultimate weapon- IPL. IPL stands for Intense-Pulsed Light. IPL has traditionally been used by dermatologists for vascular skin lesions that occur in conditions such as rosacea. Interestingly dermatologists, while treating rosacea patients, discovered an improvement in their patient’s dry eye symptoms. And we eye doctors […]
Saying Goodbye To Reading Glasses and Hello To Vuity
The first FDA-approved eye drop to treat presbyopia is here! Presbyopia is a condition that results in reduced near vision as we age. It occurs because the clear lens behind the iris that once easily changed shape to focus light onto the retina, gets larger and harder over time. This results in a gradual reduction in […]
Dr. Tarbett’s Thoughts As The White House Eye Doctor – Pt II
People often ask me what my favorite memory is from my time working in the White House Medical Unit. Interestingly, my favorite memory was in a corner coffee shop nearby. I have a picture I took from that spot. It’s at the corner of 17th and Pennsylvania. In the background is the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where the […]
More Than Just A Pair Of Glasses
More Than Just A Pair Of Glasses Sometimes glasses are straight forward—you just need them to see. Whether it be distance or near, you just need the spectacles to provide clarity of vision. That is easy enough to do. Other times and more often than naught, they need to do more. These are our goals […]
Dr. Garcia talks about managing our friend the Meibomian Gland
Have you noticed your vision blur while reading and need to constantly blink to clear things up? How about burning throughout the day? The culprit is commonly enemy number one in the battle of dry eye—the clogged meibomian gland. Meibomian glands are oil glands located in both the upper and lower eyelids- about 30 in […]
Your Carolina Eye Doctors Talk Impact of COVID-19 on Eye Care
An upheaval like we are in the midst of hasn’t been seen since World War II. SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus that causes COVID-19 – The coronavirus or Coronavirus Disease. It will have lasting effects long after herd immunity and a vaccine are developed. Interestingly, the first person to truly sound the alarm […]
Caring for the First Dogs
Little did I know that when I was put in charge of eye care for the White House, I was also in charge of the First Dogs’ eye care as well. The White House Medical Unit had full training on how to muzzle and examine First Pets if the need arose. The first taste I […]
Dr. Garcia Explains the Technology Behind EyePrintPRO™
As a cornea and contact lens specialist, I’ve had the privilege to fit a wide range of corneal disease patients, from end stage keratoconus to corneal transplants that are barely holding on. During my time I have seen 2 revolutions in medical contact lens fitting. The first was the advent of scleral lenses. These are larger […]
Why Our Kids Can’t See…
Two words: myopia and amblyopia. Amblyopia My daughter recently had her 18-month check-up at the pediatrician’s office and at the end of the exam, the doctor mentioned her dental health and the importance of a dental exam but made no mention her ocular health or the need for an eye exam. Being an eye doctor […]
Eye Health – The Key to Squaring the Healthspan Curve
Eye Health – The Key to Squaring the Healthspan Curve With the birth of our first child, I started thinking about longevity and how to make my life last as long as possible. Not just long, but healthy. This is the concept of lifespan vs. healthspan. Your lifespan is the length or “span” of your life. […]