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Personalized Eye Care with EyePrintPRO

Your eyes are unique, so they require extraordinary care! EyePrintPRO is a transparent prosthetic scleral device designed with the exact contours of your individual eyes in mind, providing clear vision and comfort through custom contact lenses.

At Carolina Eye Doctors, we’re proud to offer various vision care solutions based on eye care technology and excellent results! Dr. Garcia was one of the first 5 doctors in the nation to become EyePrint Certified and is still the only certified doctor in North Carolina. 

EyePrintPRO can be an excellent option to help you discover contact lenses as unique as you are. Schedule your appointment today to see if it’s a good solution for you.

What Separates EyePrintPRO

The EyePrintPRO device is made from an actual impression of your eye and this impression is then scanned into 3D space where it’s fitted with extreme precision. EyePrintPRO allows for customization, and the designer can visualize and manually adjust the lens in 3D space, all while immediately seeing the changes in real-time!

Like your fingerprint, your eyes are also unique! The EyePrintPRO captures the unique irregularities of your eyes and can be used to successfully fit where other lenses and devices fail.

Worried about bumps, scarring, and irregularities? The EyePrintPRO device precisely fits all those bumps and irregularities to minimize complications and improve your vision.

Simplifying the Process

The EyePrintPRO process is gentle and comfortable. The device will be used to take an impression of your eyes and capture precise measurements of the entire surface of your eye to customize your contacts. This impression is then digitized, and through 3D scanning technology, an exact match is achieved for your cornea and sclera.

The EyePrintPRO allows us to get it just right with very little guesswork and putting your visual needs first. The impression fitting system drastically reduces the time needed for fitting, saving you some time to get back to your busy schedule!

Along with exceptional comfort, the EyePrintPRO device allows a convenient delivery system and features, including: 

  • Premium toric stability
  • Optical prism for resolution of double vision
  • Decentered optics for improved vision with multifocal and night vision

EyePrintPRO Addresses Your Visual Needs

EyePrintPRO allows for endless possibilities and is indicated for:

If you desire better vision and comfort, we can help!

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Exceptional Comfort & Customization

EyePrintPRO is an innovative solution that allows our team to break through the limits of specialty eye care. The device is a unique way to deliver the comfort you deserve, all in a personalized experience.

Schedule your appointment with us today to see if EyePrintPRO is a good fit for you!

Our Location

We’d Love To See You!

You can find us off Roberta Road in the Town Center. Please call or text us if you have any trouble finding our office. 

Our Address

  • 4350 Main Street, Suite 101
  • Harrisburg, NC 28075

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Hours Of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Appointment Only: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM 
Closed Daily for Lunch: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

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