After spending 9 years as the eye doctor for the White House Medical Unit (WHMU), I’ve been asked a lot of questions. One of the most common is, “What do you think is going on there now?” I’m assuming they’re wondering this because the current administration is rather unconventional with a non-establishment president, unorthodox methods […]
A Dry Eye Discussion with Dr. Garcia
If your eyes have been feeling a little more gritty, sandy or dry than usual, you’re not the only one. As we get cozy inside and turn on our heaters, the humidity and moisture our eyes love starts to drop. Irritation then starts to kick in making dry eyes a symptom we hear on a […]
Dr. Tarbett Talks Visual Fallout in Concussion
Brain injury was known as a silent epidemic in the 1990’s but not so anymore. Whether it be a concussion-related to a sports injury or a motor vehicle accident; a fall or a blast injury in our military service members, we are aware of brain injury much more these days. Approximately 50% of the brain’s […]
What’s Up With Blue Light?
Wherever we go blue light is bound to follow. Blue light is produced by the ever-present LED- Light Emitting Diode. The LED is what illuminates our phones and computer screens, and has now also made it into our homes with LED light bulbs. LED lights are smaller, more efficient and more durable than other lighting so […]
ACCORD Study Data Confirm Dr. Tarbett’s Original Research
Recently retinal specialists from Wake Forest and the University of North Carolina have confirmed the findings of Dr. Tarbett’s original research on thiazolidinediones (TZDs) and diabetic macular edema published in 2011. Data from the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) Eye Study, a large multicenter study, funded by the National Eye Institute, was […]
Nearsightedness– Can we Defeat It?
Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is booming. Its prevalence in the US has doubled in the last 3 decades with 42% of the US population now nearsighted and fully half of the population expected to be nearsighted by 2050. What can we do? A simple and effective solution–get children outdoors. The evidence continues to grow […]