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Advance Your Pickleball Game and Protect Your Eyes: Tips for Vision Safety Month

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If you haven’t noticed, pickleball is taking Harrisburg by storm, from the busy courts at Frank Liske Park to fall pickleball classes at Stallings Park. So, what’s all the excitement about? Pickleball is a social game—it’s about having fun, staying active, and enjoying time with friends! It has become one of the fastest-growing sports, combining elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. But with all that fun, have you ever stopped to think about your eye safety on the court? Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, protecting your eyes is just as crucial as perfecting your serve—plus, it helps you avoid an unexpected trip to Carolina Eye Doctors!

Does Pickleball Have the Highest Risk of Eye Injury?

Believe it or not, basketball tops the list for eye injuries, followed by baseball and racquet sports like squash and racquetball. Pickleball isn’t far behind, especially considering how quickly it’s growing in popularity. That’s why it’s crucial to protect your eyes—whether you’re playing indoors or out.

Do You Need Eye Protection for Pickleball?

The answer is yes! Eye protection is often overlooked, but it’s crucial for pickleball. The game involves a lot of fast-paced action, and the ball can reach speeds up to 40mph! A stray ball or a racket can easily lead to an eye injury, (corneal abrasion, uveitis or retinal detachment) which could keep you off the court—and potentially cause long-term damage.

Are Polarized Glasses Good for Pickleball?

Polarized glasses can be a game-changer for outdoor pickleball. They reduce glare from the sun and improve contrast, making it easier to see the ball clearly. Just be sure to choose a pair with impact-resistant polycarbonate lenses to keep your eyes safe from any unexpected hits.

How Do You Improve Hand-Eye Coordination for Pickleball?

Improving hand-eye coordination is key to becoming a better pickleball player. Simple drills like bouncing a ball on your paddle, practicing wall volleys, and even playing catch can help sharpen your skills. The more you practice, the better your brain will get at predicting the ball’s movement, allowing you to react more quickly and accurately.

How to Keep Your Eye on the Ball in Pickleball?

Keeping your eye on the ball sounds simple, but it’s a challenge even for experienced players. Focus on tracking the ball from the moment it leaves your opponent’s paddle until it reaches yours. Try not to anticipate where the ball will go—stay in the moment, and watch the ball all the way through your swing. Over time, this will become second nature.

Final Thoughts

You can count on the Carolina Eye Doctor’s team to be in favor of seeing pickleball courts at the new YMCA in Harrisburg! But just remember the next time you hit the court, make sure your eyes are as ready as your paddle. With the right protective eyewear and a focus on sharpening your skills, you’ll not only elevate your game but also keep your vision clear and sharp for many many games to come. But rest assured, if you find yourself in a “pickle”, just call our office 704-322-3600, we’re here for daily emergency visits! See you on the court, Harrisburg!

Written by Dr. Chantel Garcia

More Articles By Dr. Chantel Garcia

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